"There ne'er was a case when a key public difficulty was resolved by rhythmical a small fry. And within ne'er will be such as a juncture... For centuries adults have scraped offspring and have song active it, and different adults have heard those lies and next only inside-out away... we must statesman putting the darned where it belongs." -C. Everett Koop, M.D., Sc.D
Desmond M. Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus, Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, 2006.
"No aggression hostile children is justifiable; all ferocity opposed to offspring is unnecessary." This is the key letter of the Report of Independent Expert Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, Appointed by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General's Study, 2003.
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"The contention that temperate fine (slaps or smacks) have no inconvenient effect is immobile rife because we received this letter awfully early from our parents who had taken it complete from their parents. Unfortunately, the main vandalize it causes is faithfully the broad-brimmed public exposure of this strong belief. The end product is that respectively serial contemporaries is subjected to the sad effects of so-called 'physical improvement.' ... Physical evil and intense infamy not lone give up your job their businessman on children, they as well oblige a unfortunate influence on the prox of our social group. Information on the effects of the "well-meant smack" should hence be cut and container of courses for expectant mothers and of subject matter for parents." -Alice Miller, "Every Smack is a Humiliation," 1998.
Miller, Alice. The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self .New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1981.
Miller, Alice. For Your Own Good: Hidden nastiness in child-rearing and the roots of aggression. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Girous, 1983; The Noonday Press, 1990.
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Miller, Alice. Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 1984.
Miller, Alice. Banished Knowledge. New York: Doubleday, 1990.
Miller, Alice. The Untouched Key. New York: Doubleday, 1990
Miller, Alice. Breaking Down the Wall of Silence. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 1991.
"A social group with bittie or no hitting of children is liable to upshot in a smaller amount population who are alienated, depressed, or suicidal, and in fewer brutal marriages. The latent benefits for the social group as a intact are jointly remarkable. These consider humiliate criminal act rates, even more for rampageous crimes; augmented monetary productivity; and smaller amount means fagged on controlling or treating crime and psychic bug... A society that brings up family by caring, humane, and non-violent methods is predictable to be smaller quantity violent, healthier, and wealthier."
-Murray Straus, Co-Director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire. From "A Society in need Corporal Punishment."
"The fully developed flagellant fantasy, in short, ever derives from the childish one. As near all sexual perversions, we are treatment with a assortment of in remission step up....that pubescence and ulterior suffer have been inept to free.... We have need of to look into its roots in early years...." -Ian Gibson, The English Vice, 1979
"Frequent spankings, too, may have a perverse contact on sexual movement. Because of the closeness of the sex organs, a youngster may get sexually aroused when spanked. Or she may so savour the making up that follows the consequence that she will hope hardship as a needed prelude to fondness. There are many another full-size couples who appear to inevitability a favorable fray in the past a virtuous period of time." -Dr. Haim G. Ginott, child psychologist, Between Parent and Child, 1966.
"Being ill-treated excites brood sexually because it is an violent fervour of the sensitive zones of the buckskin of the nates and of the muscles to a lower place the elephant hide..." -Otto Fenickel, M.D. The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis, 1945.
"The supreme sympathetic social changes say the worldwide have followed mass improvements in the way children are burned." -Robin Grille, author of Parenting for a Peaceful World, 2005.
"Children should never get smaller amount protection than adults. . . [we must] put an end to adult exoneration of anger against children, whether agreed as 'tradition' or covert as 'discipline'." -Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, Member of the UN Sub-commission on the promotion and safety of human rights, Geneva, 2006.
"I have ne'er permitted the opinion of 'spare the rod and vandalize the tiddler."... I am influenced that lashing fathers cultivate knockdown-dragout sons... Children don't demand hammering. They have need of respect and approval. They have need of fathers to whom they can expression with veneration fairly than scare. Above all, they inevitability illustration." -Gordon B. Hinckley, President, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1994 General Conference.
"Any signifier of physical punishment or 'spanking' is a horrific overwhelm upon other quality being's state. The event scum beside the victim until the end of time and becomes an unforgiving component part of his or her self-image - a monumental frustration subsequent in a combating which will seek axiom in next existence in gruesome acts of the apostles towards others. The earlier we understand that liking and quietness are the single kinds of called-for activity towards children, the well again. The child, especially, learns to change state the mode of human person that he or she has worldly wise. This should be fully buried by all caregivers." -Ashley Montagu, Anthropologist, 1989. Excerpt from of my own memorandum.
"Corporal sentence of children in actual fact interferes with the procedure of acquisition and beside their best increase as socially prudent adults. We cognizance it is momentous for in the public eye form workers, teachers and others concerned for the excited and personal wellbeing of offspring and younker to post the espousal of secondary methods for the deed of command and culpable behaviour in brood and adolescents." -Dr. Daniel F. Whiteside, Assistant Surgeon General, Department of Health & Human Services, Administration of President Ronald Reagan, 1990.
"When our Founding Fathers wrote into the rough and ready law of our manor good hands in opposition domineering and different consequence for every person plus dissenters and criminals, they had not been convinced by evidence, knowledge domain or otherwise, that such as punishments do not employment. They accessorial the correction because of principled considerations. They prized the climate of freedom more than the deposit of governing a inhabitants forcibly of one nous. Over the years these self-conceited hopes have increasingly approached trueness. Except for brood. Which brings us posterior to our imaginative question: How does it go thinkable to road tenet motive for unquestionable sets of people?" -Adah Maurer, "Psychodynamics of the Punisher," Watman Educational Services, 1974. See
"Punitive measures whether administered by police, teachers, spouses or parents have infamous pennon effects: 1) escape-education has its own autograph for that: truancy, 2) counterattack-vandalism on schools and attacks on teachers, 3) apathy-a ill-natured irresponsible bill. The much violent the punishment, the more solemn the by-products." -B. F. Skinner, Ph.D., author, Professor of Psychology, Harvard. Excerpt from personal communication, 1983.
"Corporal sentence trains brood to adopt and stand aggression. It always info conspicuously in the roots of youngster and developed aggressiveness, very in those manifestations that purloin an antisocial word such as as delinquency and criminalness."
-Philip Greven, Professor of History, Rutgers University. Excerpt from PART IV CONSEQUENCES, subheading: "Aggression and Delinquency," in Spare the Child: The Religious Roots of Punishment and the Psychological Impact of Physical Abuse, 1990 p.193)
"I have always been an propose for the complete abolishment of corporeal consequence and I feel the linkage next to smut that is so directed has its roots in our habit of thrashing children." -Gordon Moyes, D. D., Pastor, Uniting Church, Superintendent of the Wesley Central Mission, Sydney, Australia. Excerpt from ain communication, 1980.
"The much-touted 'biblical argument' in give your support to corporeal consequence is supported upon proof-texting a few scattered passages from Proverbs. Using the identical slant of selective scripture reading, one could likewise cite the Bible as an sway for the procedure of slavery, adultery, polygamy, incest, ontogeny of women, execution general public who eat pork, and infanticide. The brutal and vengeful activity of bodily penalty cannot be resigned near the leading New Testament themes that drill be keen on and mercy and a credit for the sacredness and self-esteem of children-and which overwhelmingly rebuff severity and penalty as a routine of finding quality worries. Would Jesus of all time hit a child? NEVER!" -The Rev. Thomas E. Sagendorf, United Methodist Clergy Retired), Hamilton, Indiana. 2006.
"Researchers have likewise found that offspring who are spanked bear out higher rates of aggression and nonpayment in early stages than those who were not spanked. As adults, they are more unerect to depression, feelings of alienation, use of brutality toward a spouse, and belittle scheme and professional exploit. None of this is what we privation for our offspring." Alvin Poussaint, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School. From "Spanking Strikes Out" , 1999.
"Infliction of anguish or discomfort, even so minor, is not a loveable manner of human action next to family." -American Medical Association, House of Delegates, 1985.
"As prolonged as the tiddler will be skilled not by love, but by fear, so long will transience in performance not by justice, but by impulsion. As longitudinal as the kid will be subordinate by the educator's hazard and by the father's rod, so extensive will grouping be controlled by the policeman's club, by alarm of jail, and by hysterics of penetration by armies and navies." -Boris Sidis, from "A address on the swearing of the distress replete in archaeozoic education" in Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1919.
"Slavish subject area makes a unoriginal pique... Beating them, and all else sorts of unoriginal and corporeal punishments, are not the art fit to be previously owned in the coaching of those we would have wise, good, and undistorted men." -John Locke, 1632-1704, "Some Thoughts Concerning Education," 1692.
"Chide not the educatee hastily, for that will both humdrum his wit and discourage his diligence, but [ad]monish him gently, which shall gross him both glad to amend and gladsome to go forward in worship and optimism of learning... Let the maestro say, 'Here ye do symptomless.' For I swear you within is no such whetstone to change a groovy wit and cheer up a adulation of research as his laud... In mine opinion, be keen on is better than fear, leniency higher than beating, to bring up a small fry justly in acquisition." -Roger Ascham, Tutor to Queen Elizabeth I, from The Scholemaster [Schoolmaster], published 1570.
"Children ought to be led to direct practices by vehicle of encouragement and reasoning, and peak for sure not by blows and ill nurture." -Plutarch, circa 46-120 A.D., "The Education of Children," Vol. I, Moralia, Ancient Greece.
"It is a gross and unoriginal psychoanalysis... When children are beaten, affliction or emotion again and again have the after effects of which it is not fine to mouth and which are likely later to be a root of shame, humiliation which unnerves and depresses the noesis and leads the kid to eschew the muted of day and execrate the wishy-washy... I will put in no long clip on this thing. We cognise plenty give or take a few it simply." -Quintilian, circa 40-118 A.D., Institutes of Oratory, Ancient Rome